cell phone policy (raft)

Blackhawk Middle school has a strict policy on the students phones. They’re not allowed to have them out in class, in lunch, or in the hallways, etc. The students have a strong hate against this rule. I interviewed  some students from this middle school, some seemed to think “the phone policy is good, students shouldn’t be on their phones at school.” but others said,” it is so stupid that teachers can be on their phones if we’re working, but if were done we cant. and if they get a phone call they get to answer it. That’s not fair!” another student answered,” we should be allowed to have our phones at lunch and soon when they are in our pockets. if they go off in class, we should be able to just turn them off not get them taken.” the school has a policy that if the” phones are in sight they are in use.” but many of the teachers at this school don’t follow this rule. if they don’t see you on it then they won’t take it. If the students leave their phones in their locker and their go off the school staff will take them and turn them into the office. Then parents have to come in and take time out of their day to come to the school because of this stupid rule. Picture this, you’re in class and you forgot to turn off your ringer and your mom texts you and its important, you’d get your phone taken and have it turned into the office.   But in the advanced art class the students are allowed to use their phones for picture to get ideas or draw. None of the other art classes during the school day get to use their phones.

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